Case Studies

Kaleem Noor
Illustrator & Animation Trainee for "Where We Live"
So this is like, my first proper, like, professional, job I've done. So that was obviously a big deal for me. It's the first time my name has been, like, properly credited or something. You know, it's a good connection to make.
The main thing I was interested in was the whole like animation side of it, because the bunch of software I've never worked with.
I think I had the most fun just looking and discussing like the character designs done by the children.
Kellaiah Boateng
Production Trainee "Freedom"
To write for the first time, write a rap was something very foreign to me.
So at first …I wasn't going to show anyone, then I went home and then I wrote more lyrics, came back the next week. I was really happy that I was able to show an artistic side to myself. And I feel like this really opened the doors for me to explore my creativity. We projected the video onto one of the walls of the estate and had a viewing. It was at first, I was like, oh my gosh, more people are going to see this, but I'm very proud of what I've done, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel like this was the one time when one of the times where our community, especially the youth of the community, were able to get together and work on something.

Mahek Ali
Production Trainee "My Generation"
Being part of this project and working with so many experienced and incredible people was a very eye-opening experience for me. I got to learn so many new skills such as interviewing skills, how to improve my confidence and the importance of cinematography when filming. I was so excited to be part of this community project because I know that it would affect so many individuals in the community. The end result was exactly as I imagined it to be, the screening was very engaging and it told the stories of the community in a very raw and emotional way.

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