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Where We Live: A Future You Want Project

“Where We Live”, an award-winning hip hop music video created with young residents of Higham Hill, about the great highs and challenges of growing up in East London.

Young residents of Higham Hill and the Banbury Park Housing Estate worked with wordsmith BREIS and composer Rex Horan to write, perform and record an award winning original song about the highs and lows growing up in East London. 

Budding manga illustrator Kaleem Noor co-created anime avatars with participants to voice their words, while visual FX artist Dave O'Neill edited and animated the music video. 

The project was produced and developed by Kate Hampel with the assistance of Shakira Crawford.

"Where We Live" was supported by the London Borough of Waltham Forest and the Stow Film Lounge and funded by Clarion Futures Fund and Urban by Nature Waltham Forest. 

The project was awarded "Best Media Project" in the Clarion Incommon Awards 2024

@Clarion_Group, #iwillFund, #PowerofYouth

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